2015 SledFest Party
Exhibition Hall - Fairgrounds
Get the sled season started with the Powder Hounds in our annual sled party. This year we will host the event at the Eagle County Fairgrounds Exhibition Hall. See some of the same and some of the new as we will once again have Sled Neck great Chris Burandt on hand as well as Kirby's BBQ, sled dealers for all brands and an awesome silent auction. This year we decided to get organized and provide some insight to the audience on what the club is doing, what it stands for and where we are going. Special topics such as Land Management and others will be covered in during the event. Also, the Powder Hounds will have their own liquor license as an additional fund raiser. So drink responsibly and enjoy an evening to let loose with sled friends and others!
Register early at http://www.holycrosspowderhounds.com/page-198950 to avoid the registration line and get a free drink ticket at the event!
Check back in at http://www.holycrosspowderhounds.com for updated information.
Volunteer to help during the event and get a club t-shirt and enjoy helping us make this a great event for fellow sledheads! Contact us at admin@holycrosspowderhounds.com.